Hatporium sellers understand that sometimes things don't go as planned with your purchase. Here’s everything you need to know about returning a product.

General Return Guidelines

Eligibility for Returns

  • Defective Products: If you receive a product that is defective, you are eligible for a return. Please contact the seller within 48 hours of receiving your product.
  • Incorrect Items: If you receive an incorrect item, please inform the seller immediately.
  • Pre-Approved Returns: In some cases, the seller may agree to a return in correspondence. Ensure to get this agreement in writing.

Return Process

  • Contact the Seller: Initiate the return by messaging the seller within 48 hours of receiving your product. Clearly describe the defect or issue.
  • Pack the Product: Ensure the product is in its original condition, including all packaging and the seller’s delivery slip. Pack it securely to avoid damage during transit.
  • Dispatch the Product: Send the product back to the seller as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days after receipt.
  • Return Costs: Returns are made at your own risk and cost, unless otherwise agreed with the seller.

Refunds and Repairs

  • Faulty Items: If the seller agrees that the item is faulty, they will either repair or replace the item at their discretion.
  • Refunds: If a refund is agreed upon, the seller will initiate the process. Please note that shipping costs are not refundable. Contact Hatporium Admin for assistance with refunds through PayPal if needed.

Specific Seller Return Policies

Each seller on Hatporium may have specific return policies outlined in their individual Terms & Conditions, available at checkout. It’s important to review these policies before making a purchase. If you have any questions or need more details about a specific seller’s return policy, please message the vendor directly for clarification.

Tips for a Smooth Return

  • Follow Procedures: Adhere to the return procedures specified by the seller to ensure your return is processed smoothly.
  • Prompt Communication: Respond to any messages from the seller promptly to facilitate a quick resolution.
  • Documentation: Keep a record of all correspondence with the seller regarding the return for your reference.

Customer Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions about the return process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team for assistance.